Werewolves, high fantasy, LGBTQ romance, bite-sized? The Lost Princess of Howling Sky Serial has it all. To be werewolf is to claim power—if you're male. Females are expected to be breeders. They're also rare and therefore highly sought after.  But none are as coveted as the Lost Princess of Howling […]

The Lost Princess of Howling Sky Serial

The last of the Marked by the Moon Collections is here! If you've been waiting to read Her Noble Owl and Her Bad Cat, you can get them bundled together now. Paperback, eBook, your choice. If you're like me, you'll probably choose which version you want based on the cover...

New Release: Marked by the Moon Collection C

Vampire Captives: Chapter 1 Lisette Werewolves were vampires’ worst enemy.  The Scheng general snarled at me and spittle dripped down his soaked muzzle. I circled him slowly, noting the corpses at my feet so I wouldn’t trip, as he watched my every move with eyes glowing moonlight blue. The wisps […]

Vampire Captives: Chapter 1

Her Noble Owl is out in the wild! Okay. It already was, but it's second release-day time. If you aren't an Amazon reader, Her Noble Owl is no longer Amazon exclusive. It's now available on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo. Hooray! I'm so grateful I […]

Her Noble Owl is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

Hello, everyone. Amidst all the craziness that's been happening nonstop in the world, I have some good news. Her Wild Wolf is now available on Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, as well as Amazon.  Book link: I'll be back with more good news later. Like free books/new free […]

Her Wild Wolf is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

I think this is my last big update for the week. Can you believe it? It's been nonstop news around here. Taken by Werewolves is officially out of Kindle Unlimited and up for preorder on iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Google Play. The eBook will be released on March […]

Taken by Werewolves Preorder News

Marked by the Moon Collection B is here! You know what that means. You can get Her Fierce Wolf and Her Wild Wolf right now at a discounted price, because this collection contains both of those books. The paperback is also available, on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, so if […]

Marked by the Moon Collection B is Here!

What makes a monster? It's a pretty age-old question, but one that never ceases to be fascinating to explore. It's also rooted in the world of Ilenima.  Nightshade Academy is located inside a hidden town called Nightshade located in northern Alaska. The town sits in the eye of a constant storm […]

The Hidden Monster Town – Nightshade Academy Extras

Who doesn't love dogs? Okay, some people don't. But they're wrong. Kidding. Or am I? Anyway. Kian is Nova's love interest in Nightshade Academy. He's also an aswang who turns into a big black dog that he likes to think of as a hellhound. Because it sounds cool. While Kian is […]

The Goodest Boy – Nightshade Academy Extras