Love is Love

I said before that the majority of my books take place in the same universe (which doesn't have an official name yet but probably should--I've been calling it Sleeping Dragons). Prime and Trinity are two of the three main worlds in that universe. I'll announce the other when its first […]

From Blood to Ashes: Worlds Wide Open

I think this is my last big update for the week. Can you believe it? It's been nonstop news around here. Taken by Werewolves is officially out of Kindle Unlimited and up for preorder on iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Google Play. The eBook will be released on March […]

Taken by Werewolves Preorder News

It's me again. So many releases this week. Hot damn. Valentine's Day Tigers is now available on your favorite retailer (hopefully). Hell yes! Take a little journey with my aro tiger, ace tiger, and non-binary human. You can read a website-exclusive sneak peek of the book below too. ***This book […]

Valentine’s Day Tigers is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

Valentine’s Day Tigers was a hard book to write, but probably not for the usual reasons a book would be hard for an author to write. Today, we’re going to have a look at Lance Lenkov. You may have noticed I have a little bit of a theme in a […]

Valentine’s Day Tigers – Lance Lenkov