May 2024 Exclusive Deals

Read EVERYTHING Below for just $5

Did you know you can read everything I've ever written/will write for only $5 a month?

Here's how it works.

At the beginning of every month, at least one of my complete series will be made available for you to read on my Ream Stories page at the $5 tier. These series will rotate month by month. When I publish a new book/series, it will join the rotation.

How freaking awesome does that sound?

Check it out!

Here's the link to my Ream Stories page:

Here's how to download the Ream Stories app:

Definitely follow me there! (Following is free.) Ream Stories makes reading on your computer, phone, or tablet nice and easy. You can change the colors, font, and text size. You can easily navigate chapters and everything, just like on your Kindle or whatever apps you use to read.
