Paranormal Romance Books

Marked by the Moon Collection B is here! You know what that means. You can get Her Fierce Wolf and Her Wild Wolf right now at a discounted price, because this collection contains both of those books. The paperback is also available, on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, so if […]

Marked by the Moon Collection B is Here!

Guess what. Her True Wolf is up for preorder on Amazon. Okay, you might already know that, but if not, I’m saying it again, because there are only ten days until release. Her True Wolf was originally free to newsletter subscribers. Her True Wolf and Her Brave Wolf side by […]

Ten Days Until Her True Wolf

There have been ups and downs this year for sure, but most importantly, 2018 is the year I’ve finally shown myself that it’s possible to make a living writing fiction. That’s a huge deal for me, and it’s been an interesting journey, one I’m determined to continue on for many […]

2018 Author Reflections

It's here! The eBook is anyway. The Paperback version fo Christmas Polar Bear will follow shortly.  Check out the blurb below and/or read the first chapter right here. Falling in love wasn’t the plan. Cedar Mongoyak knows who she is and what she’s good at. She’s a polar bear shifter, […]

Christmas Polar Bear – eBook Available Now