Release Date Countdown

Tomorrow! Her True Wolf is officially out tomorrow. I mean, it’s been out since 2017 as a newsletter freebie, but you know. Now it’s on Amazon. Woo! Have you preordered? Did you get it as a freebie? I’m interested to know.

One Day Until Her True Wolf

You know what’s hard? Writing an entire romance in like 50,000 words. It’s totally doable since amazing authors like T. S. Joyce do it all the time, but I guess I’m a person who really likes to sink my teeth into a story, the world, and the characters. I tend […]

Two Days Until Her True Wolf

Paperbacks are a thing. For a long time, my books have only been available in digital formats. Well, that’s all changing. Check out this proof. I know I’ve been teasing stuff for a while now, but it’s seriously almost real. It’s been a ton of work, but so worth it […]

Three Days Until Her True Wolf

Some steam with your paranormal romance? I’m still trying to figure out heat ratings on romances. I’ve decided it mostly comes down to the individual reading, though, and that I have a terrible gauge for that sort of thing. So, let’s just rate my books.  Marked by the Moon is […]

Four Days Until Her True Wolf

Today, we need to talk about Karol. Karol is a human. No Fated Mates and Moon Magic for her. Or so she thinks until Casey comes along. She doesn’t believe in love at first sight, and she definitely doesn’t believe in soulmates. Casey breaks her open since he’s a direct […]

Five Days Until Her True Wolf

I love stories. Especially big stories. That doesn’t mean they have to be crazy complicated or anything, but I like connections. Each book in Marked by the Moon works as a standalone, but the two main characters aren’t the only ones I’m shining a spotlight on. You know when that […]

Eight Days Until Her True Wolf

Guess what. Her True Wolf is up for preorder on Amazon. Okay, you might already know that, but if not, I’m saying it again, because there are only ten days until release. Her True Wolf was originally free to newsletter subscribers. Her True Wolf and Her Brave Wolf side by […]

Ten Days Until Her True Wolf