Yearly Archives: 2019

So, Sorissa is our hero, what about her guys?  Caspian is heroic, but maybe more softhearted than this world needs, because his and Sorissa’s ideals line up more often than not. And what do you know, before Sorissa came along, he was the one leading the guys in Phantom Fangs. […]

Six Days Until Queen of Werewolves

I think it’s inevitable to have favorites--even among your own characters. I usually latch on to my perspective characters most, and I think that’s reasonable. If I’m sitting there telling the story through their head, I feel really close to them.  With the Lost Princess of Howling Sky, Sorissa and […]

Seven Days Until Queen of Werewolves

I seem to break genre rules a lot, even when I fully intend on staying inside that genre’s specific box. This could be looked at as a good and bad thing? First, let me blame any genre-bending on my characters. They tell me how it is. They’re all unbelievably stubborn […]

Eight Days Until Queen of Werewolves

When Queen of Werewolves had me groveling on the floor because Sorissa is stubborn and knew my first ending wasn’t working long before I did, I had to keep reminding myself that finishing this book means a reward.  It’s not even what you think. It’s the audiobook. I want the […]

Nine Days Until Queen of Werewolves

Queen of Werewolves took me an eternity to write, the longest out of any book I’ve written. Unless we’re counting time based on time that has passed and not the amount of time spent on the book itself… I digress. Queen of Werewolves was hard to write, okay? Really hard. […]

Ten Days Until Queen of Werewolves

Sometimes, I wish it would end. I’m the Oracle, leader of the angels. And I’m a fraud. Everyone looks to me for answers because I was chosen, but I don’t have any. God won’t speak to me. This burden was bearable when Leo was by my side. Now I’m left […]

Read On the Precipice

When you live in a small town and tomorrow is a lot like yesterday, you tend to pay special attention to anything new that happens. My brother, James, is obsessed with these two reclusive women who just moved in. They never come outside. It’s almost like they’re allergic to sunlight. […]

Read Guardian

Her True Wolf is in the wild. If you preordered, check your kindle or whatever device has your kindle app. It’ll be there. Then hunker down and grab a nice drink, Casey and Karol’s love story awaits. Now I’m off to write the next love story and fantasy adventure. Enjoy!

Her True Wolf is HERE!

Tomorrow! Her True Wolf is officially out tomorrow. I mean, it’s been out since 2017 as a newsletter freebie, but you know. Now it’s on Amazon. Woo! Have you preordered? Did you get it as a freebie? I’m interested to know.

One Day Until Her True Wolf

You know what’s hard? Writing an entire romance in like 50,000 words. It’s totally doable since amazing authors like T. S. Joyce do it all the time, but I guess I’m a person who really likes to sink my teeth into a story, the world, and the characters. I tend […]

Two Days Until Her True Wolf