Epic Fantasy

I have the curse/blessing of a million ideas. The number of stories I want to write is huge. And it keeps growing. Unfortunately, I am only human. I doubt I'll get to write EVERY story. That's where things get hard, because I have to choose which stories to write. When […]

From Blood to Ashes: The Idea

Taken by Werewolves has made its debut on Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo! If you've never grabbed the book because you aren't an Amazon person, you've got way more options now. Enjoy! Book link: books2read.com/TakenbyWerewolves A couple more updates: The final episode of Nightshade Academy came […]

Taken by Werewolves is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

I've got a bunch of free books for y'all. Some of them are short stories, some of them are full books. Need something to read? I've got you covered. Adult paranormal romance, young adult fantasy, take your pick. Or grab them all! Note if they aren't free on Amazon and […]

Free Books

When Queen of Werewolves had me groveling on the floor because Sorissa is stubborn and knew my first ending wasn’t working long before I did, I had to keep reminding myself that finishing this book means a reward.  It’s not even what you think. It’s the audiobook. I want the […]

Nine Days Until Queen of Werewolves

Queen of Werewolves took me an eternity to write, the longest out of any book I’ve written. Unless we’re counting time based on time that has passed and not the amount of time spent on the book itself… I digress. Queen of Werewolves was hard to write, okay? Really hard. […]

Ten Days Until Queen of Werewolves

Hero of Thera
★★★★★ 5/5 LitRPGs! I've read a couple by this point and so far they've all been really solid. Lucky me! Now, Eric Nylund is the name I look for when I'm reading Halo novels. From the ones I've read, he writes my favorite. I just love this man's writing. He […]

BOOK REVIEW: Hero of Thera by Eric Nylund