
Another weekly update. It’s already been interesting to look back on these. Hopefully they’re interesting for you as well. Progress, let’s go!★★★~KESTRA’S LINKS~NEWSLETTER → SOUL SEER SAGA → ~DIZZY & DINK~ (If you want a notebook!)OFFICIAL WEBSITE → ~RECOMMENDATIONS~THE WAY OF KINGS → →

Weekly Update 6/12/2022

Taken by Werewolves has made its debut on Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo! If you've never grabbed the book because you aren't an Amazon person, you've got way more options now. Enjoy! Book link: A couple more updates: The final episode of Nightshade Academy came […]

Taken by Werewolves is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

Aerre. Prickly, angry Aerre. High-strung and anxiety. Aerre has a hard time with change and just wants the people he cares about to be safe. Once again, it takes Sorissa to loosen him up a bit.  Man, these guys would be a real wreck without her. But that’s the point. […]

Three Days Until Queen of Werewolves

When you live in a small town and tomorrow is a lot like yesterday, you tend to pay special attention to anything new that happens. My brother, James, is obsessed with these two reclusive women who just moved in. They never come outside. It’s almost like they’re allergic to sunlight. […]

Read Guardian

Some steam with your paranormal romance? I’m still trying to figure out heat ratings on romances. I’ve decided it mostly comes down to the individual reading, though, and that I have a terrible gauge for that sort of thing. So, let’s just rate my books.  Marked by the Moon is […]

Four Days Until Her True Wolf

I love stories. Especially big stories. That doesn’t mean they have to be crazy complicated or anything, but I like connections. Each book in Marked by the Moon works as a standalone, but the two main characters aren’t the only ones I’m shining a spotlight on. You know when that […]

Eight Days Until Her True Wolf

I picked up the first Dragonlands book a while back because dragons. I love dragons. I’m one of those people who keeps piling on books faster than I can read them. Part of what I’m doing this year is trying not to buy too many new books so I can […]

BOOK REVIEW: Hidden (Dragonlands Book 1) by Megg Jensen

Current projects Queen of Werewolves – The Lost Princess of Howling Sky Book 3 Once Soulmates – These Immortal Vows Book 3 You can do something for years and years, but there will always be more to learn. Even masters are continuously learning their craft. I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember. Though I wouldn’t call myself a master of any […]

Week 9 – Learning/Practicing Your Writing Craft

Current projects Queen of Werewolves – The Lost Princess of Howling Sky Book 3 Once Soulmates – These Immortal Vows Book 3 Another week down! I’m the kind of person who is constantly looking for ways to be more efficient in what I do. I want to write books faster, with great quality, while always improving my craft. Basically, I want to […]

Week 8 – Dictating for Writing Speed and Typing for ...