Monthly Archives: June 2020

When I wrote The Lost Princess of Howling Sky, I decided the series needed a map. Most high fantasy books have maps. It had to be done. I also needed a map for myself because the visual helps me keep track of things. Win-win. I figured why not make it […]

From Blood to Ashes: Map of Prime

The last of the Marked by the Moon Collections is here! If you've been waiting to read Her Noble Owl and Her Bad Cat, you can get them bundled together now. Paperback, eBook, your choice. If you're like me, you'll probably choose which version you want based on the cover...

New Release: Marked by the Moon Collection C

Vampire Captives: Chapter 1 Lisette Werewolves were vampires’ worst enemy.  The Scheng general snarled at me and spittle dripped down his soaked muzzle. I circled him slowly, noting the corpses at my feet so I wouldn’t trip, as he watched my every move with eyes glowing moonlight blue. The wisps […]

Vampire Captives: Chapter 1

When I write a love story, I want to see it from all sides of the relationship(s). Though, I don't always do this because I don't think all stories need it. That's how I decide points of view and tense and everything--it's all based on what this story needs. In Nightshade Academy, the […]

From Blood to Ashes: Meet Adano