Week 6 – Writing Book Series

Current projects

Queen of Werewolves – The Lost Princess of Howling Sky Book 3

I’m over 30,000 words into the first draft of this book! I actually wrote the outline for Queen of Werewolves right after I finished Saving the Werewolves. I have a bad habit of going off and starting new projects, though, and I decided to write The Holiday Shifter Mates. I’m convinced I just like to torture myself. Since they were holiday-dependent releases, I had to get them out fast. I somehow did it, but I wouldn’t advise doing that to yourself if you can help it.

I’m about a third of the way through Queen of Werewolves, and it’s already an intense ride. There’s a lot going on with the world. There’s a lot going on with the characters. Drafting this book has been an absolute pleasure so far, which is kind of different because drafting is often the hardest part of writing for me.

Which has made me think about my writing process.

I outline the heck out of books before I write them. I usually dive right into drafting them after that outline is complete. I’m considering outlining a book and then putting that outline away to write another book. Then, by the time I get back to that outline, I’m eager to write. It’s like how distance is supposed to make the heart grow fonder.

Once Soulmates – These Immortal Vows Book 3

This series has been the strangest experience of all for me. It’s been almost two years since I released Angel Asylum. That was the first book where I used a preorder. It was very stressful, but it got the book out. I’m convinced taking things a little slower is the better way to go now. If it saves my sanity, it’s priceless. It also makes sure I have ample time to create a quality product.

Deadlines are great, especially for those who tend to procrastinate, but I’ve never had that problem… All I end up doing is creating unrealistic deadlines for myself while making my anxiety that much worse. I don’t recommend it.

Anyway, I’ve put out 3,490 for Once Soulmates this week. It’s going well, I think. First drafts are always rough, but the bones are strong. These characters have experienced the most change out of all of my characters, but that’s what happens when they’ve had hundreds of thousands of words dedicated to them.


I’m trying to make life more manageable. I have an ongoing struggle with putting too much on my plate. It’s the curse of a workaholic I guess. So, I’m trying to narrow things down. Queen of Werewolves and Once Soulmates are the two big projects I’m working on. Other than that, I’m trying to scatter shorter projects here and there. Relaunching my YouTube channel is one of those.

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