Taken by Werewolves is Available on Your Favorite Retailer

Taken by Werewolves has made its debut on Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo! If you’ve never grabbed the book because you aren’t an Amazon person, you’ve got way more options now. Enjoy!

Book link: books2read.com/TakenbyWerewolves

A couple more updates:

The final episode of Nightshade Academy came out just a few days ago. Today I hit publish on the paperback, so that’ll be available soon as well.

What am I working on now? A prequel to The Lost Princess of Howling Sky. If you like the vampires of Prime, you will love this upcoming dark romantic fantasy series. The first book is called Vampire Captives.

I’ll share the cover and more details soon, which you can dig up on my website right now if you’re impatient.

That’s about it for now.

I’m so glad I get to share these stories with you. Y’all are the literal best. And I’ve been wondering lately… how did you find me? Which of my books did you read first? I’m curious to know since I have a few of them. If you feel like chatting, drop a line.

Thank you for taking this journey with me and for all of your support. You rock!

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