Oh boy.
It’s been a long time since I read We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson, so I can’t remember the events of that book, but I remember it punched me in the feels.
At the Edge of the Universe did, too.
I think every person will interpret this book differently. I mean, that’s true of any book, but especially true of books that are less action driven and more internally driven.
None of us can know what goes on in the hearts and minds of others. In a way, we’re all living in our own universe, one shaped by our perception. There are so many ways we can shape our universe, too. Every choice we make changes something, propels us into an irreversible direction because we can’t go back in time. Sometimes knowing that cripples us and those decisions feel impossible to make. Sometimes we know everything we want, and then an injury or illness takes that away from us.
The future is uncertain. All we really have is the present, so maybe the answer is simply to live.